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can you survive a heart attack

can you survive a heart attack can you survive a heart attack Essential Steps for Improved Survival Rates can you survive a heart attack a h...

Dalpat Thakur 30 May, 2023

weight loss goals in 22 days

weight loss goals in 22 days   Losing weight in a healthy and sustainable manner typically involves a combination of regular exercise, a bal...

Dalpat Thakur 26 May, 2023

डायबिटीज़ के लिए उपाय

डायबिटीज़ के लिए उपाय डायबिटीज़ या मधुमेह (Diabetes or Madhumeh) एक ऐसी बीमारी है जो शरीर में इंसुलिन की मात्रा कम होने के कारण शुगर (ग्लूको...

Dalpat Thakur 12 May, 2023

Vitamin - Vitamin D deficiency - Calcium

While most people square measure busy concealing ourselves from the daylight throughout the summer, we have a tendency to forget however nec...

Dalpat Thakur 26 Sept, 2022

Aloe Vera Benefits for Men

Aloe Vera Benefits for Men 10Remedies, Hello friends, today we will know  Let's look at the benefits of using aloe vera, such as for w...

Dalpat Thakur 24 Apr, 2022